the best business decision I’ve made

I recently listened to this passage in Matthew McConaughey’s biography Greenlights and it perfectly captured the reason behind the best business decision I’ve made in a long time.

We need to put ourselves in places of decreased sensory input so we can hear the background signals of our psychological processes. As the noise decreases, the signals become clearer, we can hear ourselves again, and we reunite. Time alone simplifies the heart. Memory catches up, opinions form. We meet truth again and it teaches us, landing on stable feet between our reaching out and retreat, letting us know we are not lonely in our state, just alone.
— Matthew McConaughey, Greenlights

In the last few months, things have felt really noisy. So noisy, in fact, that it was hard to hear myself. I couldn’t distinguish my inner voices from everyone else’s. I was losing grip with what I actually wanted from my business and my personal life and I could feel the spiral starting.

After a long, tear-filled conversation with my best friend, it was clear that the root of this spiral was social media. I was tackling

  • The pressure to be incredible at marketing on instagram super consistently without any help, especially when my colleague and friend was killing it

  • The expectation to show up on my phone everyday when I had a million things to do for my clients and my business

  • The urge to be the girl that works out everyday, pursues her passion for performance, runs a successful business, and also has time to deep clean her oven, meal prep perfectly, make fancy infused ice cubes, and travel to Europe

  • The belief that everyone else’s life was just better than mine, and that’s always how it was going to be

    Instagram was dictating my to do list, my goals, and to be honest, a little bit of my self worth.

    And if that wasn’t a signal to get quiet, I don’t know what was. I needed to hear myself again.

    So I decided to deactivate instagram for 2 weeks. And on my first insta-free day, I got the flu.

    At first I thought this was a cruel sick joke my body and the universe were playing on me. But after four days of becoming one with my couch, I realized that this was actually the biggest gift. Getting the flu was the confirmation I needed to put myself “in a place of decreased sensory input.” I needed a real break; time and space to remove the noise, stop working, and just be.

    Assisted by my brilliant choice to work with my coaches during this hiatus, the clarity was almost instant. Without the constant social media and self imposed pressure, expectations and urges, I could hear myself again. I knew what my business needed and even better, I knew what I needed. I started giving myself what I needed.

    Now, while I’m sure you’re curious about the insight I gained and the actions I’m now taking because of this insight, I want to offer something that’s more valuable to you.

Your style isn't dictated by anyone but you.


Your style isn't dictated by anyone but you. 〰️

In this age of information overload, it’s SO EASY to believe that the things you want are just an external shortcut away. Here’s what social media helps you and I forget: the answer to what you want isn’t external at all; it’s within you.

Take personal style for example. Relevant, seeing as you’re reading a style blog, right?

If you continue defining your style by learning about what clothes suit a pear shape, or which 8 items get you the perfect capsule wardrobe, or the newest Amazon dupes you need to buy, you’ll always feel like having your style figured out is always inches out of reach. Even worse, blindly following what “everyone else” is wearing will make you feel like you’ll never have style figured out.

News flash, your personal style has NOTHING to do with anyone else but you.

So I’ve got a 2 part suggestion to help you from style spiraling.

Part 1: Take a break from social media. You’re not missing anything. In fact, I promise you’re going to gain more from being away.
During your break, note of the type of content you’re following that makes you feel like you’re not doing, being or having enough, and when you return UNFOLLOW THAT SHIT, GIRL. Among the incredible wisdom bombs my coach dropped on me was this magical piece of advice; curate your instagram feed to feed you. So I suggest you try doing the same!

Part 2: During your break, get dressed in outfits that make you feel curious, excited, and celebrated. If you don’t have any, go out into the real world and try some on at a store! Take a selfie in your outfits. Then book a Mini Style Audit with me and we’ll talk about YOU and YOUR STYLE and the ways in which you’re already wearing it, and then the ways I can help you live it everyday. No influencers, no outfit lists, no theory, JUST YOU and YOUR style (well, and me).

Now, tell me how good it feels to have an easy plan to tackle your style woes and how good it feels to think about leaving the clutches and addiction of instagram behind for a week or 2.

It will be the best decision you can make for yourself.

P.S. Need a bunch of outfit prompts to help out? Check out my previous outfit bingo prompts!

If you need help zooming out on life, quieting the noise, and getting some insanely good story telling at the same time. I HIGHLY recommend listening to Matthew McConaughey read his biography. Here’s a quick link to the book!



the unlived is the lesser beast


3 Numbers that don’t determine your style